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Welcome to the About Us Page

Family Manx Magazine launched with its very first printed issue in July 2007. Historically, the magazine has seen many changes but is still ostensibly the same magazine that it was – providing a Whats On and Services Guide to those who live on (or are regular visitors to) the Isle of Man.

The magazine ceased to be a printed magazine in March 2022 due to costs and the desire for many companies, that their ads be more 'online'.  

You can still get old issues in pdf format and you can certainly contact me for any issues from 2007 through to 2022 (allowing for the slight hiatus during the initial period of the global pandemic that we all went through). Just email me at or click HERE

The magazine started out as a Whats On Guide for the regular groups and clubs and sessions that were running for Under 12’s; but as I got older, my son grew up and the readers needs became more complex – the magazine evolved to become a fairly wide remit of Whats On guides for all of the family - birth to our older generation (of which I am a keen participant - being a grandma now).

The full Whats On Guide is available in pdf format to be downloaded or to read by clickingHERE